Your search results are displayed in a tab, so you can easily switch back and forth to your search results and other emails. Thunderbird will also index all your email and chat conversations to help you search faster. The search interface in Thunderbird includes filtering and timeline tools to pinpoint the email you are looking for. Tabbed email allows you to open multiple emails for easy reference. Maybe you are responding to an email and need to look back at a previous email. Tabbed emails allow you to load emails in separate tabs so that you can quickly jump between them. Tabs and search If you like tabbed browsing in Firefox, then you will like tabbed email.With two clicks, you can add more details, such as photos, birthdays, and other contact information. Just click the star icon in the message you receive to add people. The one-click address book is a quick way to add people to your address book. The email account setup wizard will check our database and find the email settings for you.

Now all you need to provide is your name, email address and password.

This issue (not sure if bug), I'm using Shell menu option "Start program" > "Always in the current instance", but the file is opened in the new FC instance.

and finding the freecommander.exe file.īTW FreeCommander is not in the list (Send this item to:), why?įirst issue/bug is, that file is focused, but it's out of current column, in the list view, with many items in the folder (hundreds) and small window. I tried to open zip file / attachment from Thunderbird portable in FreeCommander, simply by selecting (o) Open with > Other. I'm trying to replace Explorer with FreeCommander wherever it's possible, here's another example, it works, but it's not perfect.