The Keyword Density Analysis Tool counts text found in the on-page body text, as well as text used within and heading tags. If there are more data available, the SEO keyword density tool displays a Show/Hide link at the bottom of the column, enabling the additional data to be shown. In both tables produced by the keyword density analysis tool, the top 10 words and phrases in each column are shown. In the keyword density tool’s second table, a subset of the first, the keyword research tool provides keyword density data specifically on non-linked text on a page (which is important because link text is interpreted by search engines as a description of the linked page, making the non-linked keyword text distinction an important facet of the page’s value in search). The first table of the keyword density analysis shows the most often-used keywords found in all text used on the page, broken down by descending lists of one-word, two-word, and three-word phrases, with a usage frequency count for each word or phrase. The SEO keyword density tool displays this data followed by two tables containing keyword density usage.
Number of stop words or very short words used in the non-linked text. The report generated by the keyword density analyzer tool includes: The Keyword Density Analysis Tool returns a detailed report on the text content of the page. To use the keyword density analysis tool, type or paste a full URL in the text box to view the keyword density analysis of that page. The keyword density analyzer tool is extremely useful in helping users to refine the keyword distribution within the existing content of their site. Alternatively, you can even use our free keyword density tool to run a keyword density analysis of a very successful competitor. The Keyword Density Analysis Tool, a free SEO tool from Internet Marketing Ninjas, enables you to run a keyword analysis of an existing page on your website. The words used on a webpage, including what type (keywords or stop words), how they are used (alone or within phrases) and where they are used (link text or non-link body text), can all influence the value of the page in search. Content matters, not only from an end user perspective, but also from a search engine perspective.